Hello everybody, Microsoft is moving on a new line of updating their Windows 10 by pushing the updates as preview builds online on November 13, 2014. This build is a full build not just an update so it’ll be installed as an in-place upgrade with full installation procedure of Operating System as well as apps. Anyway, this version is just an beta product, therefore it's contains many issues and most of theme relates to HDD (PUIS/PM2).
Problem descrition:
Download the .ISO file from microsoft server and install Windows TP build 9849 ! Then after I updated to package 9860, it's still fine ! But for the package 9879, after finishing update, the laptop restart again, everything work well ! For the next time I restart, the BIOS does not recognize the HDD anymore!
I've pinpointed the issue which is related to this function of HDDs http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power-up_in_standbyYour motherboard doesn't support PM2 and neither does mine.
You should get your old HDD back as it is OK. Windows haven't broke the hardware.
Some guys in your shop are lame.
That's the explanation of what's happening:
HDD gets power (electric current) but stays still instead of spinning (it waits for ATA signal).
If your BIOS doesn't support it (you probably get something like "SATA1 0MB") bootloader can't start so Windows won't work.
On the other hand, Linux supports direct communication with SATA drives so here comes our saviour.
a) One time:You can fix it for one time by booting Linux LiveCD/LiveUSB and rebooting - Linux communicates with SATA drives and spins them - after reboot BIOS will detect your WD drive and so will Windows.
b) Permanent
(that is until Windows 10 overwrites the setting again )
Follow the instruction and avoid Sleep on 9879.
1. Make bootable pendrive with DOS (use that tool http://rufus.akeo.ie/)
2. Put HDAT2_50.EXE on your pendrive (http://www.hdat2.com/download.html)
3. Boot from USB
4. Type HDAT2_50.EXE /W
5. Reboot.
6. After enter to the windows, you should download and install Intel RST https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail_Desc.aspx?DwnldID=23496&lang=en&ProdId=2101
Here comes the explanation from the author of HDAT2 http://www.hdat2.com/hdat2_faq.html#q19

I'm happy to make your 'bricked' HDDs working fine again.
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